This page tests various responsibilities of renderRow in Grid.js,
particularly those sensitive to dojox-grid-friendly properties.
1a: Grid with single column with formatter for _item field (legacy grid behavior)
1b: Grid with single column with formatter for _item field, using formatterScope (legacy grid behavior)
1c: Grid with single column with get for order field (legacy grid behavior)
1d: Grid with single column with renderCell function
(dgrid behavior; should look same as previous but with underlined first header cell
and italicized first column values)
2a: Grid on domnode with no initial id, id specified as param (will become DOM node id)
2b: Grid on domnode with no initial id, dgrid / DOM node id autogenerated
2c: Grid with no srcNodeRef (placed inside another domNode), id specified as param (will become DOM node id)
2d: Grid with no srcNodeRef (placed inside another domNode), dgrid / DOM node id autogenerated